JNTUK- eWaste
  • Printer Cartridges are generally refilled and not disposed. Wherever refilling is not possible, the cartridge is returned to the manufacturer
  • Paper waste is sold off to vendors who send it for recycling.
  • Computers in satisfactory working condition, but are obsolete for the system, are usually used for teaching – learning purposes of Computer Architecture and Hardware courses. Similarly, computer parts and peripherals are reused in other systems.
  • All damaged or non-functional electronic materials (e-waste) is returned to the manufacturer.
  • UPS batteries are exchanged for a nominal cost (buy back offers) with the vendor of the new batteries
  • The management has evolved a procedure for e – waste wherein the individual departments in the college store the waste and once in six months it is collected by a designated person from the management. It is later sent for recycling units.
  • Video Conferencing Tool for the University
JNTUK- Virtual Tour
  • University 3600/ Virtual Campus Tour - JNTUKVerse
  • University Map in 3D- with QR code to be kept at several locations-
  • Directions boards at ground and 1st floor of the University building along with QR code showing the directorate direction or location, Director photo with name.
JNTUK- eAudit
  • Locating& Listing of all devices in the University-- Systems, Printers, Bio-Metric Devices, Access Points, Modems, Switches etc.
  • e- Stock books along with RFID tags to all equipment and Furniture.
VC conferencing room PA system- with ip phone facility
  • Hon’ble VC can talk to any one of the affiliated college during any meetings or emergency
Senate Hall Video & High end PA system
  • updating the Senate hall with online streaming facility.
  • Servers up gradation using them for different applications and storage.
  • Conducting Hackthons on Cyber Security, Mobile Apps, Web Apps, IOT etc.
JNTUK-Computer Clinic
  • Training the students in various aspects like System / Network Trouble Shooting, Testing and Repair.
  • For all the Offices Connecting the printers with the desktops and laptops. Work with shared folders
  • o Steaming of Live class in e-learning portal/website and Youtube
LED Display
  • At Main gate & Canteen Junction. To reduce the plastic banners usage LED displays will be used to display all the University related information.
  • Establishing an E-learning Lab with 100 systems. This lab may be useful for giving ICT Training for all the Teachers on Conferencing Tools, Animating,Clouds,Surveying,Class Room Teaching, Moodle/LMS,Audio/Video Editing,Screen Recorders,Google Plugins,Quiz Tools,Mobile Apps,Art Generation through AI.
JNTUK VR / Augmented Lab
  • Establishing VR / Augmented Lab with the latest equipment and providing training for all the faculty members to use AR/VR content in Teaching
JNTUK Web3 lab
  • EstablishingWeb3 lab to deal with Metaverse, NFT, Games and Blockchain.
JNTUK- LSF -Lab on Security and forensics
  • Lab on Security and forensics and offer consultancies for nearby Government offices.
  • The same lab may be used for Research, conduction of certification, Diploma and M.Tech. Programmes and used as Skill development Centre.
Certificate Programmes
  • Short Term Certificate Programmes for Faculty members
  • Certification Courses/Diploma Courses to generate revenue [online or offline]
  • Cyber Security Certifications
  • IOT Training
  • Block Chain etc.
  • Providing training for Teaching/ Non-Teaching in Computer Literacy & Cyber Security.
  • Workshop & Boot Camp by Swecha on Open Source Tools for students, Faculty and Research Scholars.
  • To ConductCyber Security Awareness Programmesto School/College students and Government Employees (as a part of social responsibility) with the help of
    • CDAC-Hyderabad, Thiruvananthapuram
    • CERT-In (Computer Emergency Team-India), Delhi
    • IDBRT (Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology), Hyderabad TCS, Hyderabad
    • Data Security Council of India
  • To continue the JNTUK Remote Centre of IIT-Bombay and provide Spoken Tutorial Programme for all the Colleges.
  • Conducting a Machine Learning Tools workshop for students, Faculty and Research Scholars.
  • Conducting a Digital Marketingworkshop for all the students and faculty members.
  • Conducting Technical Quizzes and competitions, Summer TrainingProgrammes in Computer Literacy for Government School Children/ Children of JNTUK Employee School Students as a part of social responsibility (CSR).